Outstanding Sustainable Project of the Year
Recognizes projects whose primary focus is to: promote broad understanding of economic, environmental, political, social, and technical issues and processes as related to sustainable development; advance the skills, knowledge and information necessary for a sustainable future; including habitats, natural systems, system flows, and the effects of all phases of the life cycle of projects on the ecosystem; advocate economic approaches that recognize natural resources and our environment as capital assets; promote multidisciplinary, whole system, integrated and multi-objective goals in all phases of project planning, design, construction, operations, and decommissioning; Promote reduction of vulnerability to natural, accidental, and willful hazards to be part of sustainable development; and promote performance based standards and guidelines as bases for voluntary actions and for regulations in sustainable development for new and existing infrastructure. The project must have been completed within the last 2 years and situated within the San Francisco Section.
Outstanding Sustainable Project of the Year Recognizes projects whose primary focus is to: promote broad understanding of economic, environmental, political, social, and technical issues and processes as related to sustainable development; advance the skills, knowledge and information necessary for a sustainable future; including habitats, natural systems, system flows, and the effects of all phases of […]
Outstanding Sustainable Project of the Year
Recognizes projects whose primary focus is to: promote broad understanding of economic, environmental, political, social, and technical issues and processes as related to sustainable development; advance the skills, knowledge and information necessary for a sustainable future; including habitats, natural systems, system flows, and the effects of all phases of the life cycle of projects on the ecosystem; advocate economic approaches that recognize natural resources and our environment as capital assets; promote multidisciplinary, whole system, integrated and multi-objective goals in all phases of project planning, design, construction, operations, and decommissioning; Promote reduction of vulnerability to natural, accidental, and willful hazards to be part of sustainable development; and promote performance based standards and guidelines as bases for voluntary actions and for regulations in sustainable development for new and existing infrastructure. The project must have been completed within the last 2 years and situated within the San Francisco Section.