July 2021 – Region 9 Reports

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Region 9 Strategic Plan Update

by Mojgan (MJ) Hashemi, P.E., M. ASCE, ASCE Region 9 (California) Governor at Large Chair, Region 9 Strategic Plan Committee

At its November 19, 2020 meeting, the Region 9 Board formed a committee (MJ Hashemi, Rune Storesund and Tapas Dutta) to review and provide an update for the Region’s Strategic Plan in alignment with the Society’s Mission and Goals. The committee met over the next few months and conducted thorough research on the Society’s strategic planning process.  The committee looked for ways to best utilize the Society’s existing Strategic Plan and documentation to serve the needs of our membership and profession in California. This report is intended to provide you with an update on this effort to date.

The primary purpose of a strategic plan is to provide a roadmap and direction for the entire organization to successfully accomplish its mission, vision, and purpose. As such, here are the latest ASCE Purpose, Vision and Mission statements:


“Help you matter more and enable you to make a bigger difference.”


“Civil engineers are global leaders building a better quality of life.”


“Deliver value to our members, advance civil engineering, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.”

To accomplish the above identified Mission, Vision and Purpose, ASCE’s 2021 Strategic Plan has identified the following six Goals along with associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  1. An ever-growing number of people in the civil engineering realm are members of, and engage in, ASCE.
  2. Civil Engineers develop and apply innovative, state-of-the-art practices and technologies.
  3. All infrastructure is safe, resilient, and sustainable.
  4. ASCE advances the educational and professional standards for civil engineers.
  5. The public values civil engineers’ essential role in society.
  6. ASCE excels in strategic and operational effectiveness.

As an example, for Goal 1, there is a Focus Strategy to “Improve member satisfaction among key member segments,” and the most relevant KPI for this strategy is identified as “Number of dues paying members,” along with two more KPIs dealing with “Member satisfaction” and “Annual member retention rate.”

Also related to Goal 1, there are several Ongoing Strategies including areas such as, “Improve student to member transition and younger member retention” and “Encourage and provide greater opportunities for younger member engagement and leadership in ASCE,” with most relevant KPIs identified as “Number of Younger Members retaining membership 4 years after joining ASCE,” “Number of Student Members transitioning to professional membership,” and “Number of Younger Members in leadership/officer roles at the Board, Institute, Region, Section and Branch levels.

In addition, the other five Goals each have their own Focus Strategy and Ongoing Strategies along with their associated KPIs.

Region 9 Strategic Planning Committee considered the relevance and importance of the above six Strategic Goals and their associated KPIs and concluded that our membership and profession would benefit from all these goals and that we should maintain all six Strategic Goals along with their associated KPIs to measure effectiveness.

At its February 18, 2021, meeting, Region 9 Board approved the framework for its 2020-2021 Local Implementation Plan (the Plan) as a living document in coordination with ASCE 2020-2021 Strategic Plan adopted by the Society’s Board of Direction on January 16, 2021, and last updated on May 3, 2021. Here is a link to this Plan.

The Plan establishes Strategic Priorities that are measurable action items for Region 9 leadership in the immediate term (FY 2020-21) and near-future term (FY 2021-25). These local priorities are linked to the six ASCE Strategic Goals and are intended to best serve our members, the profession, and the people of California.  The immediate term Priorities under consideration include:

Legislative Day in Sacramento, CA Infrastructure Symposium (CAIS), Conducting Monthly Board Meetings, Oversight of R9 Committee meetings, Technical Institute Presentations at CAIS, Annual Multi-Region Leadership Conference, Life Member Forum meeting in each Section, R9 Digital Strategy Guidance Report, R9 Local Implementation Plan updates, Deploy Google for Non-Profit, Governor Visits, Ensure that all student faculty/practitioner positions are filled, Ensure that YMF seat on R9 Board is filled, R9 Annual Awards/Ceremony, Joint meeting with ACEC, Joint meeting with APWA, Joint meeting with BPELSG, Joint meeting with AEC, Streamline R9 Voting, Maintain cash reserve of $10,000 and Perform annual budget audit.

The near-future term (FY 2021-25) Priorities under consideration include:

Middle/High school-outreach, R9 Legislative Platform – Writing Legislation, Update R9 CA Infrastructure Report Card, R9 Member Benefit Summary/Statement and R9 Digital Strategy Plan.

The Region 9 Strategic Committee will continue to review the latest updates from the Society, the professional environment and periodically update the Plan to stay consistent with ASCE’s Mission, Vision, and Goals. It will also make recommendations to the Board for new strategic initiatives to improve the Board’s leadership and effectiveness as deemed appropriate.

If you have recommendations or ideas related to the Region 9 Strategic Plan that you would like the Committee to consider, please let me know. You can reach out to me at Gov.at-large1@asce-r9.org



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