January 2022 – Region 9 Reports
Sacramento Chapter Environmental and Water Resources Institute (SCEWRI) Fall 2021 Update
By Kevin Kasberg, 2021-2023 Chair, SCEWRI
The Sacramento Chapter of EWRI (SCEWRI) continues to be an active institute in the Sacramento Section. The mission of SCEWRI is to openly foster, through collaborative interaction and ongoing dialogue, enhanced coordination and cooperation between water engineers, hydrologists, water resource planners, aquatic-resource specialists, and environmental practitioners. During the past year or so, SCEWRI switched gears from in-person meetings to virtual quarterly meetings. SCEWRI saw increased attendance in our virtual quarterly technical meetings.
The SCEWRI welcomed a new Board in July 2021. The Board hit the ground running – scheduling speakers, updating the bylaws, and getting the finances organized in preparation of returning to the in-person networking events. The Board also welcomed three new special advisors from academia, the public sector, and the private sector. Each board position and special advisor is a two-year term running from July through June. Through the revised bylaws, SCEWRI split the Secretary position into two with one focused on SCEWRI events and the other focused on SCEWRI Board.
Board Position | Officer, Employer |
Chair | Kevin Kasberg, Central Valley Project Water Association |
Vice Chair – Public Sector | Karandev Singh, California Department of Water Resources |
Vice Chair – Private Sector | Steven Micko, Jacobs Engineering |
Secretary – Events | Amanda Becker, US Bureau of Reclamation |
Secretary – Board | Liz DaBramo, Woodard & Curran |
Treasurer | Nicole Osorio, California Department of Water Resources |
Ex-Officio Chair | Derya Sumer, US Bureau of Reclamation |
The Board is supported by the following 2021-2022 Special Advisors: Brian Currier, Office of Water Programs, CSU Sacramento; Ben Tustison, MBK Engineers; Emmanuel Asinas, California Department of Water Resources; and Kaveh Zamani, California Department of Transportation.
During the 2021 term, the Board invited experts to speak on some of the most pressing issues facing the water and environment in the Sacramento region. In August 2021, Jerry Brown (Sites Project Authority Executive Director) and Ali Forsythe (Environmental Planning and Permitting Manager at the Sites Project Authority) presented an overview of the Sites Reservoir Project, an off-stream water storage project in Northern California that will provide benefits to the environment, families, and farms.
Gary Bardini P.E., Director of Planning with Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency presented during the November meeting, on Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operation with Managed Aquifer Recharge in the American River Basin as a possible adaptation to address various climate vulnerabilities and regional water resiliency.
The next scheduled event is in February 2022, with the speaker to be determined. At this time, SCEWRI will continue to hold the events virtually. For more information on the SCEWRI events, please contact sacewri@gmail.com or connect with the SCEWRI LinkedIn page.
Los Angeles Section Institute Updates
By Lisette Bice, P.E., Ardurra
As 2021 comes to a close and COVID‐19 continues to run its course, ASCE Technical Institutes have continued to pivot from in‐person events, to online virtual events, to the occasional outdoor event.
Transitioning to virtual meetings took some time for the Institutes, but they have built momentum
through a series of online events and mixers, virtual meet ups, and culminating in the inaugural launch of the Orange County Construction Institute Women In Construction Week. A few highlights from this year’s events are listed below:
Orange County Branch – Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI)
On October 1, EWRI facilitated a presentation about the Orange County Water District’s
(OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), including the project need, approach, and
effectiveness from two OCWD presenters: Sandy Scott‐Roberts, P.E., GWRS Program Manager;
and Ben Smith, P.E., Senior Engineer.
The EWRI technical presentation described how OCWD procured engineering services from HDR
to analyze lining repair alternatives. As the structural portion of the pipeline (the steel) was still
in good condition, a non‐structural repair was found to be acceptable. Class II polymer lining
was eliminated as a viable alternative because it would increase downtime of the pipeline,
would be a higher cost, and OCWD did not feel that a non‐moist environment could be achieved
inside the pipeline during installation. Class III cured‐in‐place lining was eliminated because a
manufacturer of a 78‐inch diameter lining could not be located. A Class I epoxy lining was found
to be the best alternative. OCWD elected to apply 60 mils of 100% solids epoxy on top of
washed mortar lining.
Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch (MLAB) Air Transportation Technical Group (ATTG)
The ASCE MLAB ATTG ended our 2020 schedule of programs with a virtual presentation by Michelle Brantley (Director of Planning) and Keith Owens (Director of Program Management) from Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA) on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The presentation covered a broad range of topics that summarized a general update of the capital improvements program for Ontario International Airport (ONT). Key points of discussion for the program management portion of the presentation consisted of upcoming airfield capital improvements, including new runway, taxiway, and NAVAIDs projects, and a summary of the disadvantage business enterprise (DBE) program that will help shape procurement of those projects.
The presentation was well‐received by the nearly 80 attendees. Our presenters fielded numerous
questions from the audience that made for an engaged closing to the event.
Orange County Branch – Construction Institute (CI)
In March of 2021, the OC‐CI hosted the first Women in Construction Week, which held virtual events
over the course of a week. Events included: International Women’s Day/Skincare and Makeup Monday,
Real Talk Tuesday, Women Empowerment Wednesday, Tech Talk Thursday, and Stretch and Flex Friday. The events included honoring significant women in STEM history, breaking down and navigating difficult conversations, professional leadership coaching, a Bluebeam tutorial and a couple self‐care centric events. Attendees at varying levels in their careers were given the opportunity for personal growth, professional development and to unite a supportive community of men and women with a little bit of light‐hearted fun.
With over 125 attendees, WIC Week was proud to have 13 company sponsors, award 5 scholarships
totaling $2,500 and host 13 industry speakers. The ASCE OC Construction institute is excited to host this event annually with the potential of an in person event next year.
Click the link to view the flyers:
LA Section – Institute Write Up.pdf
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