February 2017 – Institute Reports

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We have appointed a Chair of Marketing, Cody Phelps of GHD/Concord.
EWRI is still looking for a Secretary. Duties include working with the Chair and Treasurer to identify speakers and meetings, making meeting notices through email exchange, maintain the web page. Contact Fred.Blickle@ghd.com or annette.tardiff@gmail.com for more details.

Coming this Spring:
-We are working on a March meeting with the topic of Water, with author Rita Schmidt Sudman.
-Dr. Eugene Cordero, Professor in the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science at San Jose State University will be speaking at our joint meeting with the San Jose Branch in May.


SFGI elected a new board in January; we plan to be more active in 2017 under the fresh leadership of our new board. Our first event of the year will be a joint event with the San Francisco chapter of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists at Scott’s Seafood in Oakland on Tuesday March 14th in the evening. We will be hosting Dr. Scott Anderson of BGC Engineering who is the 2016-2017 Jahns Lecturer. Dr. Anderson will present “Natural hazards, risk, and the resilience of transportation infrastructure”. You can follow us on our Linkedin page or contact us at SF-Geo@asce-sf.org to be added to our email list

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