May 2018 – Branch Reports
Golden Gate Branch:
Enhanced Seismic Safety and Performance
Given the importance of the tower and the number of building occupants, the seismic performance of the tower was enhanced through the implementation of more stringent performance criteria targeting a 25% increase in seismic safety and performance as compared to any other commercial building in San Francisco.
The deepest foundations in San Francisco
The foundations for Salesforce Tower are embedded in the underlying bedrock formation more than 250-feet below existing grade. The design and construction of these elements set new standards in San Francisco for the support of tall towers.
Advanced Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
An unprecedented assessment of the seismic performance of the tower and it’s interaction with immediately surrounding buildings confirmed the seismic safety and performance of the tower and it’s neighboring buildings. This extremely complex analysis considered multiple seismic ground motions and included the tower, the immediately adjacent Transbay Terminal and several surrounding high-rise towers.
Details of these aspects of the structural design, among others, will be presented.
San Jose Branch:
The San Jose Branch teamed up with the Monterey Bay Sub-branch for their annual spring dinner joint event in April. It was a great event with an interesting presentation by Nicolas K. Oettle, Ph.D., P.E. about the geotechnical findings from the 2016 Kumamoto City earthquake in Japan. Also in April, students from local universities submitted essays to the San Jose branch for the annual student essay competition. The winners from this contest will be awarded scholarship money at the banquet on May 1, which will be hosted at Stanford University. Big thanks to all the local businesses, organizations, and ASCE members who donated money for the scholarships and banquet!
North Coast Branch:
Fresno Branch:
Redwood Empire Branch:
Program: Sonoma Valley Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Study
The talk will describe an ongoing aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) pilot study recently initiated by the Sonoma County Water Agency and City of Sonoma to assess the feasibility of storing drinking water within a confined aquifer in Sonoma Valley. ASR generally involves the recharge and storage of treated, high quality surface water in aquifers during wet periods when surface water supplies are plentiful. The stored water can then be used in summer months or during droughts.
Speaker: Marcus Trotta, PG, CHg
Marcus Trotta is the Principal Hydrogeologist for the Sonoma County Water Agency’s Groundwater Resources Section. He has worked at the Sonoma County Water Agency since 2008 where he leads feasibility studies for enhanced groundwater recharge projects and manages groundwater monitoring programs and technical studies in support of collaborative groundwater management programs. Mr. Trotta is a Professional Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist in the State of California and received his Bachelor of Science in Geology with an emphasis in Hydrologic Science from the University of California at Davis.
Date/Time: Thursday, May 10th, 2018 at Noon
Location: Cattlemen’s, 2400 Midway Drive, Montgomery Village, Santa Rosa
Cost: $20 ($10 for students)