Call For Participation: Crowdsourcing Post-Disaster Damage Assessment – July 2017

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Call For Participation: Crowdsourcing Post-Disaster Damage Assessment

Find Building Damage

Following a disaster, responders and recovery planners need to know the location and severity of damaged buildings in a region. The Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative and Blume Earthquake Engineering Center and researching ways to crowdsource damage assessments. 

The Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative and Blume Earthquake Engineering Center are researching ways to improve crowdsourced remote damage assessment, and we need your help! We’re looking at novel methods for assessing building damage from post-disaster satellite imagery, and need volunteers – you! – to test the crowdsourcing tools. Your participation will help improve recovery following earthquakes and other natural disasters!

You can help!

Please see our consent form


Locate these buildings from your computer

Compare Images

Pick the satellite image that shows more building damage


Rank Damage

Pick the level of damage on a numerical scale


Use OpenStreetMap

Tag buildings that are damaged using OpenStreetMap

To participate and learn more about our work, visit our project homepage.


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