

The Fresno Branch of ASCE Region 9 provides value to members and increases public awareness of the civil engineering profession to the California counties of Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced and Tulare. We hold a lunch meeting once a month with a variety of relevant topics.

For event and monthly meeting information contact Noelle Willbanks,

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President             Noelle Willbanks

Branch Officers
Past President      Benjamin Holton
Vice President      David Horn
President Elect    Justin Kempton
Treasurer             Aly Tawfik
Secretary             Sarah Worcester







Fresno Branch



The Fresno Branch of ASCE Region 9 provides value to members and increases public awareness of the civil engineering profession to the California counties of Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced and Tulare. We hold a lunch meeting once a month with a variety of relevant topics.

For event and monthly meeting information contact Noelle Willbanks,

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